Monday, May 29, 2023

Thesis Statistical Analysis and Editing

I receive my occasional dose of academic stimulation through statistical analysis and/or editing of student thesis from universities/colleges.

Research and editing is one of the things that my wife Nerissa and I love doing. We get to do something we love, I learn a lot because the students are from different courses, and we get a little income in the process.

What's most satisfying is when you see students feeling happy and accomplished. Sometimes there are also feedbacks like "Thank you because we received a very high grade for our thesis. It would have been higher if we listened to what you suggested!" This was an instance when I suggested they do something, but their adviser discouraged them from adopting it. It turned out that during their panel deliberation, the panel looked for what I suggested. "Sayang, Sir!" But they were still very happy because their grade was very high and they graduated with honors.

Another thing that satisfies me is when I see them proud that they discovered something out of their data, that they found an interesting result from their research. That is what research is about and that is why students are being required to do research, so they can sharpen their analytical abilities, experience the joy of learning, and participate in the addition of knowledge to their chosen field -- not merely dragging themselves to fulfill an academic requirement to obtain a diploma.

And I get to do this completely online, in the comfort of our home, in our beautiful rural community. I don't need to take an almost 100 km commute to and from the city, unless absolutely needed. 

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