Thursday, May 2, 2024

May barko ng China sa Catanduanes | 24 Oras

Rapu-Rapu island is just a pump boat ride across the sea from our town.  And we're on the eastern side of the Philippines! We're on the other side of the disputed areas in the West Philippine Sea and these Chinese ships brazenly float around our waters.

Nerissa asked me several weeks ago, "Aboy is there going to be a war?  Are you going to fight?"  My answer is an unequivocal yes. Bullies understand nothing but force.  Whether we like it or not, once our country is at war, it is the duty of every able-bodied Filipino to bear arms for flag and country.  

Do we have any chance of winning against China?  Not if we ignore the mutual defense-treaty, and not if we keep waiting until China's war machine becomes stronger than the US fleet and air force.

In the meantime, I will have to summon all my courage and college ROTC training which has undoubtedly prepared us for modern naval and air warfare.  I'm sure my batchmates and I are well-prepared with all those two years of marching at the UP Baguio parking lot, Melvin Jones Grandstand and Baguio Athletic Bowl with our maroon-colored wooden M1 rifles.

After answering my wife's question, I remembered my parcel from China was about to arrive.  Yey, China.

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