LiveWire: Plug in to the Real Source

26 delegates. November 28-29, 2009. Merryland Campsite, Batangas City.
This was the very first time that the Youth Ministry was going to conduct a youth camp. This was in fact, the first camp conducted by the church. The funds needed were way beyond our means. We were to develop a camp program and curriculum that would fit the needs and context of our youth.
We have young people with diverse backgrounds -- from those who have very little to youth who come from relatively well-off and very sheltered families. How can we create an environment that will foster respect and brotherly love among these young people? Can we really do all these now? Should we wait for a more opportune time?
The funds came, the curriculum designed, the venue and date set, the teachers chosen, and everything went very well until we arrived back in Manila -- all because of God's direction, provision, and grace.
We saw our youth have fun. We saw a lot of them bloom in their ministry and social skills. We saw spiritual breakthroughs -- commitments to know God more, commitments to spend more time with God and decrease time with distractions such as the internet, commitments to obey their parents, commitments to develop themselves and serve God.
These were all accomplished only because we obeyed, wonderful brothers & sisters gave financial support and prayed, and God moved according to His power and grace.
Oh the thrill, the joy and fulfillment of trusting in our Lord! May He preserve these fruits.
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